Transport for NSW asked us to produce a video and stills photography campaign for their internal communications strategy, I'm Transport. We filmed various TfNSW team members, covering a variety of roles across multiple locations in NSW, Australia.
Transport for NSW
Directing. Production. Photography
TfNSW 'I'm Transport'
Stills Photography Library
Campaign Film
Video Cutdowns
TfNSW Executive - Sarah Burns, Karen Mork
TfNSW Campaign Leads - Claire Daniels, Ashleigh Lane
TfNSW Creative - Imogen Domingues, Arnel Rodriguez, Claire Frost
Production - Kin
Directors - Kin
Producer - Joel Hagen
Stills Photographer - Dave Sheerman
DP - Bradley J Conomy
Post - Kin
We partnered with the TfNSW Marketing & Communications team on their internal employee engagement campaign - 'I'm Transport'. After a large restructure resulting in the amalgamation of multiple government departments, the "I'm Transport" initiative was developed to bring everyone together under the same banner. The aim was to embed a shared vision and a positive culture of collaboration and recognition across the Department. The team identified key personas for each of their thousands of internal stakeholders, and built a thorough communications strategy tailored to the specific needs of these characters. We were brought on to facilitate production needs which combined video and stills photography featuring TfNSW Staff across the state. The response was impressive, as employees responded enthusiastically to the campaign and ongoing strategic initiative.
The campaign was recognised with two prestigious Gold Quill Awards by the IABC (International Association of Business Communicators).