The History Channel / Foxtel
Directing. Production. Design
As an extension of our H100 Branding work for The History Channel, we developed a set of stylised, still-life IDs utilising real-life artefacts and a physical rendering of our logo design.
H100 History IDs
Direction - Kin
Production - Kin
DP - Mick Jones
Stylist - Jeremy Fuller
Post - Kin
As an extension of our H100 Branding work for The History Channel, we developed a set of stylised, still-life IDs set with a physical rendering of our designed logo.
The set of 5 IDs loosely relate to the theme of ‘Remembrance’ and aim to provide respectful moments of reflection and contemplation over the scene elements and the War as a whole.
When developing the IDs, we wanted to make sure that we didn’t disrespect the subject matter through over-design or gimmick. We explored the themes of Battlefront, Remembrance, Technology and The Home Front.
Our still-life scenes use real, physical objects and sourced artefacts from the WW1 era, enabled in partnership with the Australian War Memorial. A physical model of the H100 logo was crafted and each scene was carefully art directed to create personal and moving snapshots into this period of History.