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Fox Classics / Foxtel


Creative Direction. Directing. Design. Motion


This set of idents for FOX Classics Australia pieces together iconic tropes from some cinema classics. Cleverly designed and animated, this campaign has become highly recognised and globally awarded.

FOX Classics IDs

Television Idents


Foxtel Creative Director - Uriah Blair

Foxtel Producer - Charles Duncombe

Production Company - The DMCI

Creative Development - Kin

Directing - Kin

Design - Kin

Animation - Kin
Audio Design & Composition - ISM Studios


This set of television idents for Foxtel's FOX CLASSICS showcases classic films by cleverly combining and transitioning between iconic cinema motifs. The IDs were designed to take viewers on a guessing game journey through the world of classic cinema. Each ID interprets a series of films, merging them together through iconic design, animation and audio.

This work has gone on to be recognised globally, having garnered 14 International Awards and features in STASH, Motionographer and Computer Arts publications.

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